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The Proteus

Freedom is liquid, supple, mellifluous. It surrounds us, engulfs our bodies, drowns our fear. We plumb freedom’s depths and consume the nourishment within. From these waters, we are born; when we die, we shall return to those waters. 

Out there, among the stars, are the waters, freedom incarnate. That dark, endless void is our destiny, our path, our goal. We must not fear it, nor should we control it. Rather, we should embrace it, trust it, love it. Its ever-changing face, its protean existence, is our very essence. We are those stars, the void, the awesome waters of space: ancient, forever, free.

- Jinsente Parmen, The Gallente in New Eden

Gallente Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.

The Loki

For many Minmatar, the high mountains of Matar hold wonders unknown to the rest of New Eden: hidden glens, beautiful creatures, buried customs. Not surprisingly, the Krusual tribe lay claim to these mountains, their home for generations and base to their machinations.

Krusual elders whisper ancient tales among their huddled tribes, describing the glory of heroes past and enigmatic prophecies of old. On the darkest day, at the most hopeless moments, an elder may speak of loki, in reverent tones and excited hushes. In the ancient tongue, the lokiare the crux of Krusual thought. There is no direct translation for this word; in fact, loki translates differently among the elders. It can mean “hidden wonder” or “secret passage”, “changing mask” or “unseen dagger”. Regardless of its context, loki has one meaning common to all its tales across all the elders: “hope”.

Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.

The Nightmare

Since this terror was first seen haunting the spacelanes a year and a half ago, it has been the subject of persistent rumors to the effect that its design bears the indelible stamp of long-dead Sansha's own madness. Who else, the conspiracy theorists argue, could come up with such marvelously twisted designs?

Special Ability: 100% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage

Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking per level
Caldari Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage per level

The Vindicator

Basing their design on the Federation Navy's much-vaunted Megathron, the Guardian Angels' engineers set out to create a battleship that would instill fear in anyone fool enough to square off against the Cartel or its Serpentis protectorate. Based on the reputation this ship has engendered, they seem to have succeeded admirably.

Special Ability: 37.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage

Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed per level
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level

The Chimera Carrier

The Chimera’s design is based upon the Kairiola, a vessel holding tremendous historical significance for the Caldari. Initially a water freighter, the Kairiola was refitted in the days of the Gallente-Caldari war to act as a fighter carrier during the orbital bombardment of Caldari Prime. 

It was most famously flown by the legendary Admiral Yakia Tovil-Toba directly into Gallente Prime’s atmosphere, where it fragmented and struck several key locations on the planet. This event, where the good Admiral gave his life, marked the culmination of a week’s concentrated campaign of distraction which enabled the Caldari to evacuate their people from their besieged home planet. Where the Chimera roams, the Caldari remember.

Caldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
5% bonus to all Shield resistances per level
99% reduction in CPU need for Warfare Link modules
Can fit Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
Can deploy 1 additional Fighter or Drone per level
200% bonus to Fighter control range

Ship and Stats

The Tengu

When we first saw the flock, we were surrounded, caught in a spectacle of stimuli. Brilliant colors, dancing lights, beautiful cacophonies, wafting ambrosia. Those birds surrounded us, each one a different shape, an altered species, a new wonder. I tried to follow a single bird, but my efforts were futile: Transformation is natural to their existence. Imagine it: an undulating mass, a changing mob, all those beasts partaking in wonderful transmogrification. 

These were our augurs, our deliverers, our saviors. Standing amidst the flock, we should have feared their glory; instead, we drew hope. This moment is the first time I understood what it meant to be Caldari: Divinity in the flock, delivery in flux, one being, many changes.

- Janto Sitarbe, The Legendary Flock

Caldari Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.

The Bhaalgorn

Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarce.

Special Ability: 100% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage

Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 15% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount per level
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 20% bonus to Stasis Webifier activation range per level

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